There are two methods of determining the time since death to the finding of the body:
• Entomological succession;
• Age and the development of larvae.
The first, is used when death was about a month or more. We require an advanced knowledge about the development of insects. It is necessary to know their cycles and when each insect appears.

The second method is used when the interval between the discovery of the body and death is less than one month. They are considered the first species that come to the site, the varejeiras (flies that lay eggs which then develope). You must have the knowledge of the cycle of these insects to be successfull in this method.
Relation to other areas
A forensic entomology is related to other sciences, but especially with:
• Toxicology - Related to the manner of death (determines the development of certain insects);
• Anthropology - The two sciences act together effectively when the time between death and the finding of the body is quite large;
• Legal Medicine - where the insects are found on the corpse and are directly related to the crime, for example, murder, rape or suicide (entomology legal-medicine).
Sources: National Geographic Magazine - September 2007 "The Science of crime" Http://