Relation to other areas ...
In addition to cytology and histology, the intervention of the pathologists can extend to other more specific areas:
• Molecular Biology - these technicians study the nucleus of the cells in order to, for example, investigate abnormalities of the fetus (prenatal diagnosis), detect and quantify viral loads (such as hepatitis B), or study tumurais diseases (especially the cancer) ;
• Forensic Toxicology - proceeding the study of tissues from cadavers, determine, for example, whether the ingestion of chemicals in the event of a poisoning;
• Imunocitoquímica - determines a malignant tumour, for example, what type, degree of development and severity,as on this knowledge depends the prognosis of the disease and the treatment to administer;
• Veterinary - for example, a veterinarian can use the help of these professionals, if they come across a dog, carrier of a disease that can not be identified. • Anatomy - which is the study of macroscopic bodies;
• Morphology - which studies the shape of the bodies;

When a sample or specimen arrives in a laboratory of pathological anatomy, Accompanied by the requisition duly completed, is initiated a series of complex Events that will culminate in the issuance of a final report, the pathological report. This report is usually composed of five major fields:
1. History pregressa - contains clinical data essences (species, gender, age, race, etc.);
2. Examination macroscopico - contains a description of the specimen (s) (s);
3. Microscopic examination;
4. Diagnosis;
5. Notes or comments where anatomopatologist can mention the different diagnoses.
Anyone interested in taking a course in this area, has two sites that can be visited, in order to obtain information:
In Portugal there are a large number of laboratories that perform examinations and surveys as part of pathological anatomy and consequently, forensic pathological anatomy. It is good to note that in our country, there are movements and associations of pathologists and experts of pathological anatomy promoting the development of this area.
Here are two sites of such associations:
• Association of Doctors Patologistas
• Association of Technicians of Pathological Anatomy
This is the last post on pathological anatomy, and the next will be based on genetics and forensic biology. Come visit this site and vote on the question!
(Teresa Felgueiras)
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