The expertise and achievemnet of the pathologists that are in charge of most examinations, as was said in the previous post, have recourse to histology and cytology, because it is based on these areas that the examinations are held.
Histology and Histopathology
What is it? 
The histopathology refers to the microscopic examination of tissues, in order to study the manifestations of the disease.
For what purpose?
In the field of histology is carried out examinations of normal histology and examinations of histology extempotanêo. In the area of histopathology histopathological examinations take place. In recent examinations resorts to histology, to the extent that the tissue harvested from an autopsy, surgery or biopsy go through various processes (histological methods) to become suitable for microscopic observation. So the histology and histopathology are closely related. These are two areas that allow living organisms to be identified, for example, a liver cirrhosis - through a liver biopsy, in dead bodies it is possible to determine the cause of death, and is used either within the autopsy clinics, or within the autopsy medico-legal.
Techniques used ...
For the implementation of the histological and histopathological studies, the technicians in Pathologic follow a very specific methodology.
1. Fixation, dehydration and turning transparent the tissue to be examined, and finally immersion in paraffin;
2. The bloc formed is cut into ultra fine sections with the help of a microtome;
3. The ultra fine sections are placed on slides and stained with colouring substances that allow to highlight the structure of tissues, number of cells, microorganisms and pigments;
4. Observation of microscopic slides and evaluation of the results, communicating them to the doctor anatomo-pathologist.
History ....

Histology was born with those who used the microscope in their studies, as Robert Hook, Malpighian, Gram, Ham, Fontana and others, have made great advances parallel to the progress in the field of cell biology, as this provides important knowledge about the cell. Also of importance in the development of histology was the invention and development of many techniques such as tissue culture, vital colour, the use of radioactive markers, specific staining, among others.
Cytology and citopathology
What is it? Cytology is the branch of biology that studies the cells with regard to its structure, its functions and its importance in the complexity of living beings. The citopatology is a branch of pathology that studies and diagnoses diseases at the cell level.
For what purpose?
Cytology and citopatology are involved in the procedure of examinations of normal cytology, in that it is a study done by microscopic observation of cells of the tissues spontaneously or technically processed. These two areas are a means of early diagnosis of malignant lesions permitting the identification of malignant cells.
Techniques used ...

The cytological study of the samples is done through the application of techniques: fixing, centrifugation, citocentrifugation, smear and colouring after which they are observed under the microscope by technicians. After analyzation and evaluation, the negative citologies are separated from the positive neoplastic cells, sending the later to the pathologist.
(Teresa Felgueiras)
Diciopedia 2003
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